Sanchez’s Visit Testifies to Moroccan-Spanish Will to Promote Strategic Partnership (Academic)


Rabat – The visit of President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, to Morocco reflects the two countries’ willingness to consolidate their multidimensional strategic partnership, Abdelali Barouki, academic and specialist in Moroccan-Spanish relations at the Mohammed V University of Rabat, said.

This visit confirms the solidity of Moroccan-Spanish ties which have significantly evolved since the visit paid by the head of the Spanish government to the Kingdom in April 2022, at the invitation of HM King Mohammed VI, Barouki told MAP.

The academic hailed the deep relations between Rabat and Madrid which draw their foundation from the convergent views on several issues of common interest, notably immigration and cooperation in security.

Moroccan-Spanish relations are also based on ‘close coordination and mutual trust and respect,’ he underlined.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse