President of Spanish Government Pedro Sanchez Arrives in MoroccoMAKARY WELCOMES HRW DELEGATION


Salé – President of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, arrived in Morocco on Wednesday, as part of a working and friendship visit to the Kingdom.

On his arrival at Rabat-Salé airport, Sanchez, accompanied by Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, was greeted by Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch.

After reviewing a Royal Air Force detachment that made the honors, Sanchez was greeted by Wali of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region, Mohamed Yacoubi, president of the Salé Communal Council, Omar Sentissi, Chargé d’Affaires at the Spanish Embassy in Rabat, Borja Montesinos, and Moroccan Ambassador in Madrid, Karima Benyaich.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Al-Makary, on Wednesday received a delegation from “Human Rights Watch” including Lamia Fakih and Ramzi Kays in his office at the ministry.

Following the meeting, Kays stated: “The discussion with the Minister of Information addressed the necessity of achieving justice for journalists who were martyred in southern Lebanon as a result of war crimes. We also asked the Minister to initiate a discussion within the government on the need to file a lawsuit on this matter with the International Criminal Court and to grant it the authority to investigate Israeli crimes in the south, including crimes against journalists.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon