Morocco’s Election to UNHRC Presidency, a Culmination of Interaction between State’s Discourse and its International Commitments (Bouayach)


Morocco’s election to the presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a culmination of the interaction between the discourse of the Moroccan State at national level and its international commitments, President of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), Amina Bouayach, said Thursday.

This interaction has made Morocco a model to follow at international level, Bouayach told MAP news agency, noting that the Kingdom’s election to the Council’s presidency also represents the crowning achievement of more than two decades of structural reforms initiated by Morocco in various fields, notably in human rights.

“Morocco has always endeavored to ensure respect for universally-recognized human rights principles, rejecting any attempt to play them down or to politically instrumentalize them in controversial issues,” she added.

Morocco’s accumulated experience in respecting and promoting human rights, as well as the interaction between Moroccan civil society and the national human rights institutio
n, will inevitably have an impact on the construction of new processes that will enable the international community to work towards the application of human rights, making them a benchmark for decision-making, she pointed out.

Through its election to the UNHRC presidency, Morocco represents countries from both North and South, including those from the African continent, she said, adding that the role that the Kingdom will play within the Council and its approach based on dialogue and debate will enable it to contribute to the resolution of issues that require maturity and wisdom in decision-making.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse