Morocco’s Budget Deficit Reaches MAD 29.2 Bln at the End of July – Ministry


The situation of Treasury charges and resources (SCRT) at the end of July showed a budget deficit of 29.2 billion dirhams, compared with a deficit of 25.5 billion a year earlier, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

This trend reflects a greater increase in overall expenditure (+13.8 billion dirhams) than in revenue (+10.1 billion), according to the Ministry, which has published the SCRT for July 2023.

In detail, on a basis net of tax refunds, rebates and restitutions, revenues achieved a rate of 58.3% compared with the forecasts in the Finance Act (LF). Compared with the end of July 2022, these revenues increased by almost 10.1 billion dirhams or 5.9%.

Ordinary expenditure amounted to 172.3 billion dirhams, with an implementation rate of 59.1%.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse