MoECC Confiscates 120 Rhino Horns and Ivory Pieces

Doha: In cooperation with the relevant authorities, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) confiscated 120 pieces of rhino horns and ivory weighing 45.26 kilograms, following a traveler’s attempt to smuggle them via Hamad International Airport, in the absence of the necessary permits to transport them legally, thus, violating the laws regulating the trade of endangered species.

According to Qatar News Agency, in a statement, the ministry called on everyone to comply with Law No. (5) of 2006 on the Regulation of Trade in Endangered Wildlife Fauna and Flora and their Products, stressing the importance of carrying the required permits and documents when bringing in any of these species or their derivatives, in accordance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

MoECC’s Wildlife Development Department said that applying for a permit can be done free of charge on the ministry’s website, while inquiries could be made by calling 16066.