Al Mahhar Holding Moves to Transfer Shares to QSE Main Market.

Doha: Al Mahhar Holding Q.P.S.C. announced that it has formally submitted its application to the Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) to transfer its shares from the Venture Market to the Main Market of the Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE), subject to obtaining the required regulatory approvals.

According to Qatar News Agency, the company explained in a statement published Wednesday on the QSE website that this step follows the approval of the company’s General Assembly meeting held on November 18, 2024. During this meeting, shareholders authorized the Chairman of the Board to sign the application for the transfer, submit the transfer application to the QFMA, and complete all necessary procedures for the transfer with the respective regulatory authorities on behalf of the company.

Al Mahhar Holding confirmed that the intended transfer to the Main Market reflects its commitment to the highest standards of governance, transparency, and market practices. The move aims to enhance the company’s position and tradin
g liquidity, benefiting shareholders and solidifying the company’s standing as a leader in Qatar’s energy and infrastructure servicing sectors.

The transfer of the company’s shares to QSE Main Market is contingent upon the approval of QFMA and the completion of all related procedures with the Qatar Stock Exchange and other relevant authorities.